Symphony of War is extremely flexible for classes: no class change is permanent except for the dragon tree. There is also a proof of merit item that gives bonus stats in exchange for locking a character in their current class, but you can choose when to apply them. Resources are released when you change classes, so you can experiment freely without wasting anything.

Note that resources in the table below are given in the total required for a particular class, not the amount needed to promote. The promotion cost will differ based on which class they are coming from. Technologies are required for some promotions; these are bold in the tables below.

Male Classes

ClassTierPromote FromRequirements
Soldier2FighterSTR 25, Iron
Spearman2FighterSTR 21, Iron
Cavalier2FighterSTR 21, Iron, Horse
Horsebow2BowmanSTR 20, Horse
Scout2Fighter, BowmanSKL 22, Horse
Skirmisher2Fighter, BowmanSKL 20
Rogue2Fighter, BowmanSKL 25
Crossbowman2Fighter, BowmanCrossbow Forging, STR 18, Iron 1
Apprentice2Fighter, BowmanMAG 10, Gem
Champion3SoldierSTR 47, Iron 2, Obsidian 2
Sentinel3Soldier, SpearmanSTR 42, Iron 3
Knight3Soldier, CavalierSTR 45, Iron 2, Obsidian 1, Horse
Zweihander3Soldier, Cavalier, SkirmisherSTR 42, Iron 2
Centurion3SpearmanSTR 45, Iron 2, Obsidian
Hussar3Spearman, Cavalier, Horsebow, ScoutSKL 42, Iron 2, Horse
Ranger3Scout, Rogue, Skirmisher, CrossbowSKL 38
Assassin3RogueSKL 45, Obsidian 2
Fire Mage3ApprenticeMAG 45, Gem 2, Sunstone
Lightning Mage3ApprenticeMAG 45, Gem 2, Sunstone
Ice Mage3ApprenticeMAG 42, Gem 2, Sunstone

Female Classes

ClassTierPromote FromRequirements
Siren2MedicMAG 20, Gem
Swordfighter2MilitiaSKL 20
Hospitaller2Medic, MilitiaMAG 20, Horse, Gem
Acolyte2Medic, MilitiaSTR 18, Iron
Priestess2Medic, MilitiaMAG 20, Gem
Sorceress3SirenMAG 50, Gem 2
Swordmaster3SwordfighterSKL 60, Iron, Obsidian 2
Paladin3Hospitaller, Acolyte, PriestessSTR 35, Iron 2, Sunstone
Valkyrie3Hospitaller, Acolyte, PriestessSTR 25, Iron 2, Sunstone, Horse
Templar3Acolyte, PriestessMAG 56, Gem, Sunstone

Unisex Classes

ClassTierPromote FromRequirements
Archer2Fighter, Bowman, MilitiaSTR 18
Warbow3Archer, CrossbowSTR 38, Iron 2, Obsidian 2
Raider3Archer, Horsebow, CrossbowSTR 38, Iron, Horse, Obsidian
Samurai3Archer, Horsebow, CrossbowSTR 45, Iron 2
Gunner3Any Tier 2 classGunsmithing, Iron 2, Pyrocite
Siege Cannon3Any Tier 2 classGunsmithing, Iron 3, Pyrocite, Horse
Dragoon3Cavalier, Scout, Hospitaller, HorsebowGunsmithing, Iron 2, Pyrocite, Horse

Dragon Classes

ClassTierPromote FromRequirements
Red Dragon3DragonMAG 42
Silver Dragon3DragonSTR 62
Blue Dragon3DragonSKL 40
Red Dragon Rider4Red DragonDragon Bond, Gem 2
Silver Dragon Rider4Silver DragonDragon Bond, Gem 2
Blue Dragon Rider4Blue DragonDragon Bond, Gem 2