Chapter 25: Kingdom of Gold

Seize SayunaaMC is defeated
Enemy captures Fort Dakur
Chest 1,20Trait: Bowmanship
Chest 1,19Proof of Merit
Chest 12,16Proof of Merit
Cause at least 3 Sayunaari squads to surrender

The final battle for Sayunaa is a siege of their palace with all the walls and defenses that implies. I gave heartseeker (archery attacks bypass walls, woods defenses, -50hp, +7str, -20mag) to a raider squad to enable them to clear squads off the walls here. Kesh’s toolkit (melee attackers can attack up walls) could also be handy. You will want some defensive squads here to hold the line too as there will be more squads combined at the first choke point than at any one moment prior.

My opening strategy was to send raiders at the walls and then defensive heavy cavalry in front to protect them from the enemy cavalry. Note that the samurai squads on the wall have a fire mage and the cavalry to the north will all charge down south across the eastern bridge. Beatrix flew west toward the treasure chests, but that could wait till later if you need more squads for the core battle.

It’s entirely likely you will have a few casualties during turn 1 and 2, but there’s a temple just inside the secondary walls. Focus on rotating your squads to even out the damage/casualties and prevent a full squad wipe and don’t worry about the revive cost at this stage of the campaign. Note that the enemy infantry includes centurions, so try and meet that with your own infantry instead of cavalry.

Once the meat grinder opening act is complete, advance to the second wall and again use archers/cannons against the walls. Do be wary of the many swordmaster squads behind the wall. A squad advancing to fight the paladin enemy on the single fortress square behind the wall will invite attack from many of those swordmasters, so it might be better to charge and retreat with cavalry. On the other hand you could send in a defensive squad and use exemplar on them. A temporal modulator squad also should work quite nicely against swordmasters.

The last three squads won’t charge out at you, so you can take your time and pepper them with archers. The champion squads have four gunners each, so either wipe some out at range or send in sentinels to tank the gunfire. The boss has a new combination of cannons and dark mages, but raiders will make short work of both of those. Just be careful which squads are within cannon range on enemy phase and you should be fine.


Stefan gets his Nephilim power up and new mirage skill: extra attack and every attack is a sneak attack. Three sneak attacks will decimate the back line with Kroc the assassin pitching in too.

Chapter 25: Kingdom of Gold