Chapter 15: Westerfield Escape

Diana must reach Centurion’s RestAll escaping children die

Chest 8,7Proof of Merit
Chest 21,5Arcane Barrier
Chest 29,3Proof of Merit
Destroy bridge after all children are safe

Escort mission start. I recommend fielding all of your cavalry/horse archer squads this stage & sending some ahead to make sure the way is clear. Cavalry will also be able to attack and then move again to take treasure chests. A mounted squad can also defeat the skirmisher squad on the first treasure chest and then move again to take the treasure on the first turn.

A stacked squad like Diana should stay behind to let the enemy squads in the city crash ineffectually into them. Then you won’t have to worry about them catching up .. well not those enemies anyway. Soon a strong foe will appear and chase you to safety.

Keep your squads out of the path of the children & they should make it to safety with time to spare. Note that you need to let the children reach the green arrows before you blow the bridge (higher left blue arrow) for the challenge. It’s not enough for them to just be across the bridge for some reason.


It feels like things have been going non-stop, but finally there’s a chance to catch a breath instead of an arrow. Of course, you have no reserves to tinker with, but hey, maybe there’s a cool mercenary or artifact to add or you’ve lucked into a few arena tokens.

I recruited a paladin with Warrior’s Hubris (magic resistance rises with strength) who should be an amazing magical tank. Given the dark mages we’ve seen recently, maybe that’s a decent thing to have in the near future..

Chapter 15: Westerfield Escape