Steel Arming Sword111
Elegant Blade-2-11
Steel Great Sword23
Sayunarii War Pike411+15% Damage to cavalry
Acolyte’s Mace5111
Crusader’s Mace24-5
Guerilla Bow11+15% Hit rate
Donari Staff12+10% Out of combat healing
Apprentice Spellbook-21-222
Sergeant’s Uniform3
Scout’s Gear12
Guerilla Armor2No movement penalty in woods
Steel Plate Armor1042-3
Donari Armor15424
Ruby Ring13
Emerald Ring13
Sapphire Ring13
Flame Saber27
Steelshatter221Ignore 20% of armor
Giant’s Thresher23+25% Damage against larger squads
-25% Damage against smaller squads
Kesh’s Daikatana-613+5% Evasion
Crystal Lance31-23+10% Dark resist
Obsidian Edge-2026+25% Damage to boss squads (humans only)
Zero Point Blade3082-2
Trueshot Bow215
Auraweave Cloak26
Officer’s Regalia2-15% Damage taken on defense
Shinobi Gi212+3% Evasion
Guerilla Armor2No movement penalty in woods
Blademaster’s Armor1843-25% Damage from swords
Dragonscale Armor-20524-10% Damage from dragons
Hulking Pavise842-2-15% Damage from firearms
Aldor’s Tower Shield102-5-15% Damage from archery
Puffin Feather Amulet-418+7% Evasion
Ribbon2Immune to magical stun
Noisy Cricket1Squad more likely to be attacked
Firewalker Boots1Avoid hazards, -25% Damage from fire
Excalibur834-25% Dark resist
Dragonslayer22+50% Damage against dragons
Refuge322+20% Healing in combat
Obsidian Arquebus-10-243-2+20% Damage from wall to non wall
Grandmaster Spellbook-102-12108
Imperial Battle Armor6-3
Kesh’s Toolkit2Melee can attack up walls
Cloak of Cunning3-2-2Greatly reduce chance of crits
Essence of Embor3Inflict chill on enemy squad at start of battle
Sin Credo2Leader gets extra attack
Followers damage reduced by 25%
Eskander’s Karambit54Squad can ambush
Heart Seeker-5047-20Archery ignores wall, woods defenses
Blood Staff-50516
Cyrene’s Regalia4858+25% Dark resist
Donar’s Treatise of War1Double XP, CP from combat
Obsidian Plate Armor60103-15
St Teresa’s Bulwark20424Front row takes -25% damage
Boots of Tyranny2+2 movement, morale reduced
Imperial War Banner-4
Everlasting Potion2One free heal per battle
Landis’s Fixed Dice2Double item drop rate from battles
Black Belt2+25% damage on defense
Belinda’s Field Kit3Squad heals 10% on player phase
Legendary ArtifactHPARMCAPSTRMAGSKLOther
Fang of Duros60-10520-500
Genbu Shell Fragment253Immune to critical hits, -1 movement
Landis’s Mirage-605-35% Damage from archery and firearms
Soha’s Blood Shard51515Gain HP from kills
Take 10% HP damage per phase
St Teresa’s Tiara420Gain STR for every point of MAG, MAG set to 0
Skull of Rowdain-20-84-8-8-8Squad is locked at fearful morale
Defeated enemies surrender if able
Jade Figurine433% chance of second turn
Iblis Family Signet1205+5% Hit and evasion for entire army while squad is deployed
Temporal Modulator5Attack first when defending
Does not work when ambushed
Only works three times per phase
Ace of Spades5All squads on all teams within 3 tiles take +15% damage

Squad Defining Artifacts

Temporal Modulator

Attacking first on defense is extremely powerful, even with the limit of three combats per phase. That limitation can be dealt with via knowledge of the enemy AI (targets lowest threat) and positioning to reduce the number of enemies that can reach the modulator squad.

A typical modulator squad is offensively focused with the goal of wiping the enemy before they can attack. To accomplish this you will want a mix of class types to ensure that you don’t waste all your damage overkilling the enemy front line. See squad building for more detailed possibilities for this and the other squad defining artifacts.

Skull of Rowdain

The skull is a significant tactical disadvantage (fearful is pretty bad on top of all the attribute penalties) but provides a huge boost to gold income and technology advancement by increasing surrenders. It enables killing half a squad/leader while getting surrenders for those kills, which should enable the next squad to force surrender the remaining enemy. Thus you end up with close to 100% surrenders when you can initiate combat with the skull & follow up effectively.

I have settled into three main ways to use the skull:

  1. Offensive player phase squad that focuses on destroying the enemy before it can be damaged
  2. Defensive enemy phase squad that aims to kill enough of the enemy to allow force surrender
  3. Combine it with modulator to focus on pure offense and kill 3 enemy squads on defense

I would recommend starting with approach 1 and then experimenting with the other two. If you are committing to using it against a lot of foes, it can also be helpful to bring more healers in adjacent squads to support the skull squad or even a dedicated support healing squad.

Sin Credo

This artifact is perfect for Beatrix: her squad is mostly about her anyway, with her low leadership and high personal damage to all enemies. Sin Credo lets her go all in on that & the rest of her squad can be defensive and healing focused. Alternatively use bloodlust on flying dragons to keep them healed up.

Diana can also make good use of this with her second form & ranged attack, but her leadership usually skyrockets for me, so the penalty hits a lot harder for her larger squad.

St Teresa’s Tiara

Typically I would add a few paladins or valkyries to a squad to anchor anti magic defenses with a splash of healing, but tiara changes them into pure damage instead. It stacks beautifully with arcane might, vigor and skill (the traits applies before Tiara’s conversion) and other +magic artifacts, so try and add something like Excalibur or Balmung that gives both strength and magic. It does not apply before arcane barrier, which makes that trait useless with Tiara. Diana also has a huge magical stat, so she can lead up the tiara squad.

The big downside is that their healing will be reduced to a tiny amount & thus their second action will be fairly useless if the squad is damaged. This can be mitigated by nuking the enemy and not getting significantly damaged!

Another downside is that the classes that benefit the most all attack at the same time. Thus you need some characters that go before heavies, like swordmasters or assasins to attack the back row. These classes won’t benefit from the magic -> strength conversion as much.

Other Notable Artifacts

Kesh’s Toolkit

Kesh’s Toolkit is a pretty unique way to deal with enemy squads on walls & can be very helpful if your archer squads can’t be risked shooting up. You’ll want to swap this into a squad for a level with tons of walls rather than having them use it all the time though. Flying dragon squads will achieve this in a more flexible way, but won’t be available until fairly late game.

Landis’s Mirage, Hulking Pavise

Defense against firearms is extremely useful in a few key stages & these two artifacts are some of the best ways to gain it. Landis’s Mirage looks like it’d be counterproductive with the -60 hp, but if you combo it with other damage reduction sources it will be quite worth it.

St Teresa’s Bulwark, Officer’s Regalia

Speaking of other sources of damage reduction, these two combo very nicely and with one of the firearms reduction artifacts. Using all three can make a squad incredibly resilient to gunfire & even cannons, provided some healing.

Everlasting Potion

Great for survival in healer-less squads like pure archers or light ambush squads.