
Dark Deity offers unparalleled customization of player and enemy character growths. Whether you want to just turn off the RNG & have linear levels where stats go up according to the exact growth percent or you want to change every little aspect of growth, weapons, drops, enemies: you can!

Deviation and %Change settings are the place to start. They offer a controlled ramp up/down of player/enemy aptitudes that can be extremely minor or up to halved/doubled the normal amount.

Character aptitudes and class aptitudes can also be fully random for a very unpredictable experience. Warriors with 10% hp growth and 70% magical growth are entirely possible, but on the flip side you could get a character with 100% speed and 100% strength. This mode can sometimes result in a party that’s completely unplayable at the start, but it can make you really think on your feet for how to salvage some sort of build for a character.

Enabling full random for the enemy will cause a huge variance in challenge for each foe generated. This will shake things up if you are used to a particular strategy for each map, but it also can generate enemies with 100% defense, fortitude, speed, etc that are incredibly difficult to defeat. This is a good way to learn how to break the systems to ensure you can tank, hit, dodge, etc even the strongest foes but could initially be very frustrating.

Random weapons will add even more variance to enemy powers & random items will change the drops for the stages to be anything. You typically will get far fewer weapon tokens total this way, but will get some random aspects that could be amazing early on or totally useless.

Reversing or randomizing the recruitment order can also give quite a different experience early on & if you just want to tinker with something, you can boost the xp modifier up quite a bit.