Chapter 6: Iron Worth Striking

Unlike previous levels many enemies here will move toward you immediately. The middle, including the archer and mage at the bottom below the barricades, and far right will all be headed your way. The aggressive strategy is to take out the most dangerous units in the middle & then turn to face those on the right, but this could be disastrous if you can’t kill off most of the middle units in time.
The way I’ve been most successful at this gambit is to send witch hunter Sophia along the top right into range of the two mages there, but out of the archer’s range. This will draw many of the right side upward & give you a little more time to conquer the middle. Next turn retreat back left with Sophia, leaving her just in range of a mage to whittle them down as they chase. In the middle prioritize the champion and the archer as they have higher attack.
The other approach is to turtle into the upper left and limit how many of the enemy can reach you at once. You’ll also be able to attack some of them across the barricades this way. This will take longer, but as long as you have three solid defenders to wall up & can keep healing going, you should be ok.
Whichever approach you take once you survive the initial onslaught you’ve effectively won; taking out the last ten enemies to the left is significantly easier. You can lure each group of four separately and separate them from the last solo enemies as well.