
Stat Swaps
Quintare’s QuillMastery and luck are swapped
Innileth’s ScaleDefense and strength are swapped
Koeli’s SpiritDefense and fortitude are swapped
Linhera’s WhisperPower and true speed are swapped
Zeltar’s FlightStrength and speed are swapped
Kitara’s ChordAccuracy and dodge are swapped
Stat Transforms
Ancara’s GlowLuck depleted to increase power, dodge, and true speed.
Malice’s SufferingCrit increased by 30%, defense and fortitude halved.
Varden’s Ardor15% of cumulative weapon stats go to extra power
Vosh’s SanguinationAdds 10% of max HP to all advanced stats
Chamden’s FluxDamage is affected a random amount up to + or – 30%
Njallum’s HeritageMastery increased by 20%
Darmena’s KissCrit and power are set to the average of the two
Yl’andra’s FontPower increased by 25%
Kyne’s PassageEach turn grants a 1% buff to power, accuracy, dodge, crit
Cassara’s Blaze10% chance to deal 1.5x damage
Kaithir’s PromiseCounterattack damage increased by 25%
Stack Building
Vigmar’s ChargeKills grant 2% power til chapter end
Theron’s PassionCrits increase crit chance by 1% til chapter end
Hit Rate
Orion’s PursuitHit chance increased by 15%
Manos’ FuryHit rate is always 50%, power increased by 50%
Ziegrich’s LuminanceHalf of mastery is added to accuracy
Jahno’s StuporDodge reduced by 60%, defense and fortitude increased by 10
Yl’undera’s DriftMagic depleted to increase defense and fortitude
Almadessa’s GladeFortitude +10 with no adjacent allies (broken)
Shamac’s TideDodging heals for 5 HP
Altum’s DescentDodge increased by 30% of strength
Aethe’s ChillGrants 80% resistance to fire magic
Izn’s HopeGrants 80% resistance to holy magic
Yl’mar’s FaithGrants 80% resistance to arcane magic
Prisbel’s RumbleGrants 80% resistance to storm magic
Ayn’s PremonitionTrue Speed is doubled when unit is below 30% HP
Pelagiel’s FlashIf doubling, second attack deals 25% increased damage
Samaran’s ShadeEnemies are significantly less likely to attack the holder
Hecleon’s PrideEnemies are much more likely to attack the holder
Huss’ HushNearby enemies deal 15% less magic damage
Faine’s JudgmentBonded units within 2 tiles increase power by 5%
Ellis’ LightHealing power increased by 50%
Soleric’s RallyAttacking and defeating an enemy heals nearby allies for 10% HP
Sarathel’s SightAttacks mark enemies, increasing damage taken by 10% for 1 turn